Tuesday, August 29, 2006

KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid)

Pada saat NASA mulai mengirimkan astronot ke luar angkasa, mereka menemukan bahwa pulpen mereka tidak bisa berfungsi di gravitasi nol, karena tinta pulpen tersebut tidak dapat mengalir ke mata pena.
Untuk memecahkan masalah tersebut, mereka menghabiskan waktu satu dekade dan 12 juta dolar. Mereka mengembangkan sebuah pulpen yang dapat berfungsi pada keadaan-keadaan seperti gravitasi nol, terbalik, dalam air, dalam berbagai permukaan termasuk kristal dan dalam derajat temperatur mulai dari di bawah titik beku sampai lebih dari 300 derajat Celcius.

Dan apakah yang dilakukan para orang Rusia ?. Mereka menggunakan pensil!.

Moral cerita ini adalah sebuah filosofi yang disebut KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid), yaitu selalu mencari solusi yang sederhana, sehingga bahkan orang bodoh sekalipun dapat melakukannya*. Cobalah menyusun solusi yang paling sederhana dan memungkinkan untuk memecahkan masalah yang ada. Maka dari itu, kita harus belajar untuk *fokus pada solusi daripada pada berfokus pada masalah*

**"Bila kita melihat pada apa yang tidak kita punya di dalam hidup kita, kita tidak akan memiliki apa-apa. **

**Tetapi bila kita melihat pada apa yang ada di tangan kita, kita memiliki segalanya." **

source: forwarded email

Friday, August 25, 2006


Heheheh...iseng-iseng ikutan quiz di sini

Terus hasilnya seperti ini

You Are an Excellent Cook
You're a top cook, but you weren't born that way. It's taken a lot of practice, a lot of experimenting, and a lot of learning.It's likely that you have what it takes to be a top chef, should you have the desire...
Are You A Good Cook?

Wowowow....*big grin* No wonder ya RENDANG KEPITING yang Bunda masak selama 1,5 jam itu LUDES dalam 10 menit !! *Ge Er mode on*


Sunday, August 20, 2006


(Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him)

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Glorified is Allah Who took His Slave (Muhammad) for a journey by nights from Al-Masjid-al-Haram to Al-Masjid-al-Aqsa, the neighborhood whereof We have blessed, in order that We might show him of Our Ayat (proofs, evidences, lessons, signs). Verily, He is the All-Hearer, the All-Seer.(QS:17:1)

Prior to the event of Isra’ and Miraj, the Prophet (SAW) had been suffering severely from the pagans of the Quraish tribe.

Distress came in every corner especially when the Prophet went to the city of Taif where the people humiliated him. The Prophet (SAW) turned to Allah for hope and made supplication. He ended the supplication by saying that as long as Allah is not displeased with him, then he will always be satisfied.

Right after this event, the Isra’ and Miraj took place to honor him and to renew his courage and he strived to serve Allah.

There are many lessons we can learn from the events prior to Isra’ and Miraj but the most important one is a sign that all prophets go through hardship just as normal human beings do.

Following the events of Isra’ and Miraj, the Prophet (SAW) renewed his courage and strived to serve Allah, something we all should do when we get out of tough situations in life.
One must remember that Allah (SWT) blesses everyone he loves with a gift or some extraordinary event, that we may not realize at the time, such as the birth of a baby, recovery of a disease, or the simple occurrence of finding a job.

Perhaps we may never experience the joy and bliss that Prophet Muhammad (SAW) experienced in Isra’ and Miraj but sometime in our lives, Allah (SWT) will bless us with an event that will give us hope and renew our courage. We must not forget that supplication (du'aa) is essential for these blessings.

We ask Allah that we would all die as Muslims. We ask Allah to bestow on us the bounty of entering Paradise without torture. Amin

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Minggu lalu baca-baca blognya kak Ungku dan ternyata kak Ungku baru aja masak Rendang Ketam alias rendang kepiting.

Karena penasaran..lha kok kepiting dibikin rendang, so Bunda SMS dan YM-an ama
kak Ungku untuk tahu resepnya.

Hari ini, pagi-pagi banget ke Pasar Pucang dan beli semua bahan-bahannya..
Tapi kepiting yang Bunda pakai bukan kepiting yang biasanya tapi kepiting cangkang lunak alias soft shell crab alias kepiting ngglembosi (kata orang jawa)

Jadinya kayak gini deh.....Yummy !

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Alamak! Program diet gagal lagi deh...:-)

*Yang penasaran resepnya monggo tanya langsung ke Bunda :)


Karena banyak yang tanya resep dari rendang kepiting ini..ok..deh...here you are...:)



1/2 kgs Kepiting ngglembosi alias soft shell crab atau boleh juga deh kepiting biasa / ketam

300 ml santan dari 1/2 butir kelapa (lebih enak kalau diperas dengan menggunakan air kelapa)

8-9 butir bawang merah

6 butir bawang putih

2 inch jahe di geprek

3 batang serai di geprek

2 inch lengkuas di geprek

3 helai daun jeruk purut

dedak rendang dari 1/2 butir kelapa yang disangrai lalu di tumbuk sampai halus dan keluar minyak

oya...10 cabai merah nggak dibuang bijinya

Cara membuat

Cuci bersih kepiting dan biarkan aja dalam keadaan fresh nggak usah di goreng atau di rebus dulu karena entar rasa manisnya hilang. Diamkan dulu.

Tumbuk cabai merah, bawang merah dan bawang putih sampai halus. Sisihkan.

Tumis bumbu halus sampai wangi dan masukkan serai, jahe dan lengkuas serta jeruk purut. Tumis lagi sampai layu. Terus pelan-pelan masukkan santan sambil terus di aduk-aduk supaya nggak pecah.
Setelah bercampur masukkan kepiting dan terus di aduk agar santan nggak pecah.

Setelah agak kental, masukkan garam sesuai selera. Sesekali aduk agar merata.

Setelah lebih kental lagi, masukkan dedak rendangnya. Aduk-aduk lagi.

Setelah kering,angkat dari api. Buang serai, lengkuas dan jahenya, dan daun jeruk purut (biar nggak kemakan).

Hidangkan dengan penuh cinta :)

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Tidak beriman salah seorang di antara kalian hingga mencintai saudaranya sebagaimana ia mencintai dirinya sendiri.

Here is the Press Release of the Indonesian Government strongly condemning the atrocities launched by Israel in Southern Lebanon on Sunday, 30 July 2006:

31 Jul 2006 11:31
The Indonesian Government strongly condemns the criminal act of Israeli forces that goes beyond humanity
(No. 53/PR/VII/2006)

1. The Indonesian Government strongly condemns the criminal act that goes beyond humanity that was perpetrated today by the Israeli forces in its air strikes in Qana, Southern Lebanon. It has reportedly caused the death of 54 innocent civilians, 37 of them are children.
2. This indiscriminate Israeli military aggression is a gross violation of international laws, including humanitarian law that clearly prohibits the targeting of civilian populations (non-combatants). This criminal act has blantantly been conducted in contravention of universal humanitarian values.
3. The Indonesian Government once again urges the United Security Council that has the mandate and responsibilty of maintaining international peace and security, to halt the Israeli military aggression without delay, to immediately enforce unconditional cease-fire, and to open access for humanitarian assistance, including medicine and foods to the Lebanese that are in dire need of such assistance.
Jakarta, 30 July 2006

Url: http://www.deplu.go.id/?press_id=306

So..let's STOP SUPPORTING ISRAEL by boycott Israeli products
Click this http://condemnisrael.blogsome.com/2006/08/04/boycott-israeli-product/


click http://akmal.multiply.com/journal/item/303