Friday, December 24, 2004

I did it !!!

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This morning my senior just told me that I've passed the cataract operation examination.
So.. I would like so say BIG THANKS to...

My lovely husband, Bambang Zulkarnain for his constant love, encouragement and understanding

My beautiful daughter Shafiya Fildza Nisrina, for reminding me what life is really about

My Parents, Dr Rowena Hoesin and Achmad Ghazali for giving me the best of everything

To all my virtual blogger family who pray for me..:)

Mr Finus Gunawan for being my good patient :)

Dr Djiwatmo,SpM for being such a great teacher for me :) (hi doc!! *waving*)

Do always pray for me cause there will be a lot of other exams to do to become great ophthalmologist ever ! :p


.:nien:. said...

Dah ngobrol seh tadi di YM. Tapi boleh dong ucapin lagi, Selamat ya jeunggggg ..... Pasti lega banget dirimu!
Oiya ... Met ultah juga deh! Besok kan? Aku kan bakal libur neh seminggu, jadi comment nya later on, OK!?

Anonymous said...

tahniah buat bunda!


Sksetsahati said...

selamat atas keberhasilannya, bu dokter :)